SLAB Forum For Inspection Bodies & Inspectors
Sri Lanka Accreditation Board for Conformity Assessment (SLAB) established under Act 32 of 2005 is the National Accreditation Authority in Sri Lanka. At present, SLAB operates accreditation scheme for Inspection Bodies as per ISO /IEC 17020:2012 (Conformity Assessment: requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection). The SLAB Accreditation scheme for Inspection Bodies is internationally recognized through Mutual Recognition Arrangement of International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC MRA) and the Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC MRA). Therefore, inspection reports issued by SLAB accredited inspection bodies are accepted globally.
- Meeting ID: 860 6718 4978
- Password: 293959
Participants are requested to forward questions/matters to be discussed/further information/clarifications in advance through following emails
Hourly Schedule
Programme Schedule
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- Introduction and objectives of Forum – Mrs. Chandrika Thilakaratne, Director/CEO
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- Welcome and Opening remarks – Dr. Sampath Wahala, Chairman,SLAB
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- An Overview of scheme requirements and changes to Accreditation scheme ( New ILAC P15 & SLAB documents) – Ms. N M M Jayamanne, Deputy Technical ManagerSLAB’s
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- approach on-site assessments and instructions to maintain business continuity under & after pandemic situation and what SLAB expects from inspection bodies – Mr. L H D Bandusoma ,
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- Technical ManagerAnswers for Specific /common issues from inspection bodies/inspectorsQ & A Session with Inspection Bodies/Inspectors